Logovo Hunt for taste


The name itself suggests that the Logovo restaurant, which opened not so long ago on Khamovnichesky Val, is related to the hunting cuisine. That said, the interior of the new place of power for urban jungle survivors does not resemble a bear’s den in any way: light and airy, with panoramic windows , it is a perfect place for calm contemplation and a good conversation. Chef Alexander Kachinsky, winner of the special prize of the "Palm Branch" national prize in the "Best Restaurant with Hunting Cuisine" nomination, managed to create a special mix of traditional European cuisine and an impeccable hunting menu. 

There are not that many places these days where you can taste the original delicacies obtained from the wild by true adventure seekers. Accompanied by the right kind of salty snack, crispy vegetables and warming drinks, of course. And make sure not to miss the trout tartar with avocado guacamole, Uzbek tomatoes, sweet and sour sauce and halibut caviar or Italian carpaccio made from fresh vegetables, for even a bear indulges in raspberries on hot summer days.